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New Web DICOM Uploader with Configurable De-Identification

Flywheel has extended the functionality of the Web-based DICOM Uploader in version 11.2 to support configurable rules for de-identification at the project level. With the new Web Uploader, users have an easy to use, zero-footprint solution for remote data collection with the ability to de-identify data in the browser, before upload to the Flywheel system.  De-identification rules may be specified to meet the specific needs of any project, ensuring that PHI protocols are adhered to from the point of data ingestion.

Simplify Data Collection for Multi-Center Studies

The Web Uploader provides an easy-to-use solution for collecting data for multi-center studies including:

  • Uploading DICOM data without needing to install additional software
  • Configurable de-identification to meet project-specific requirements
  • Automatically enforcing institutional de-identification policies

Rich Functionality, No Installation Required

No installation is required to upload data to Flywheel, simplifying the process for researchers with administrative or technical constraints at their location.  Users upload uncompressed DICOM data via their web browser by picking a target project via the Select Project dropdown and dragging and dropping standard DICOM files into the Drop Zone.

To access the Web Uploader, select “Upload DICOM” in the Left Navigation Panel  in the “DATA” group.  After you drag studies or series to the Drop  Zone, Flywheel will automatically parse the DICOM headers and present the target subject, session and acquisition labels for editing as needed.  You may upload multiple DICOM studies or series at once.

De-Identification Enforced Before Upload 

After editing/confirming your subject, session, and acquisition labels, data is de-identified locally before being uploaded to the Flywheel system.

De-identification rules are attached to a project.   Administrators can configure de-identification rules for a given project by attaching a file named deid_profile.yaml in the  ProjectInformation Attachments pane the project menu.  In order to ensure clear requirements for de-identification, the web uploader will not be available for a project unless there is a de-identification profile installed.   If no de-identification is required, simply provide a profile with no rules.

Powerful Tool for Configuring De-identification Rules

De-identification profiles are simple YAML files that specify a DICOM tag and the de-id action you’d like to take on that tag.

Examples of possible de-identification actions include:

  • Removing DICOM tags such as PatientID or AccessionNumber 
  • Replacing tag values with a hash or other value
  • Date offsets to obscure dates
  • Convert dates to age in years
  • And more


Once de-identification preferences are set, the de-identified profile can be validated by uploading a DICOM and then viewing the tags in the native DICOM viewer.   Testing of de-identification rules can also be done locally using the Flywheel CLI.


You may find additional information about the Web Uploader or uploading Non-DICOM data in our documentation. 

The post New Web DICOM Uploader with Configurable De-Identification appeared first on Flywheel.