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Insights from RSNA 2021—Collaboration to Drive Innovation

We were happy to be back in person at RSNA 2021, and Flywheel had a lot to talk about with attendees this year. 

We were excited to give demos of our newest tool for data exchange and collaboration—Flywheel Exchange. We created Flywheel Exchange to make it easier for researchers around the world to connect, browse and share data, identify collaborators for projects, and leverage federated analytics and federated learning to optimize AI development. 

We were glad to see the radiology community is embracing the need to collaborate more extensively to drive AI adoption in the marketplace. Our academic, clinical, and commercial partners are increasingly interested in large-scale data initiatives focused on efficiently leveraging data and algorithms. We are excited for the opportunity to help develop technology for advancing patient care. 

The federated projects capabilities of Flywheel Exchange are enhanced by our integrations with Rhino Health and NVIDIA FLARE—both partners who are committed to realizing the potential of federation to help researchers collaborate in new ways. 

If you couldn’t join us in person at RSNA this year, contact us for an in-depth discussion.