Flywheel at BioIT World Europe 2023



Visit Us in Booth 1

Meet with us at BioIT Europe to learn how Flywheel can help you:

  • Use web-based data mining and analytics to streamline discovery of cohorts
  • Simplify secure data collection from research partners and CROs with file transfer and verification
  • Scale image-processing pipelines with comprehensive provenance
  • Automate high-quality data labeling to inform drug development and AI development
  • Orchestrate image annotation and blind reader studies


See our presentation

Accelerated Drug Development
through Scalable AI-Powered
Medical Imaging

Wednesday, Nov. 29th at 12:40 pm
Bioinformatics Track

Shelby Wyatt, PhD, will discuss how AI-based medical imaging helps imaging scientists and data scientists accelerate drug development initiatives and move the needle towards personalized healthcare.

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